Ginger Chai & Mandarin | Luxury Scented Candle


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Ginger Chai & Mandarin | Luxury Scented Candle

What makes Ginger Chai & Mandarin | Luxury Scented Candle Responsible?

Made with top notes of zesty ginger chai and spicy cinnamon combined with mandarin and buttery Madagascar clove oil, this scent creates a warm and positive aroma at home. Location Tip Why not try it out in your living room, home office, kitchen or man cave.

Raw Materials1

Nonpetroleum renewable resources

Raw Materials

The wax is created with pure, natural soybean oil and rapeseed with a few secret natural ingredients. All ingredients are composed of nonpetroleum renewable resources, promoting the growth and care of our environment while burning crisp and clean with a gentle natural glow.

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