50 Degrees North

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50 Degrees North Sustainability Profile

50 Degrees North is not currently tracking sustainability.

50 Degrees North is a brand focused on sustainable travel and adventure experiences. With their website at 12degreesnorth.org, they provide a platform for travelers to explore unique destinations while promoting responsible and eco-conscious tourism. While we do not have any sustainability reports or detailed information on their sustainability initiatives, we invite 50 Degrees North to claim their profile and provide us with more information about their commitment to environmental stewardship.

About 50 Degrees North

  • Status
  • Unverified

50 Degrees North Sustainability Actions

As of now, we do not have any information regarding 50 Degrees North's specific sustainability actions. We encourage the brand to reach out to us and share details about their ongoing efforts to minimize their environmental impact and promote sustainable travel practices. We look forward to updating their profile with comprehensive information on their sustainability actions as they become available.

50 Degrees North Sustainability Commitments

Currently, 50 Degrees North has not provided us with any information about their sustainability commitments. We encourage them to share their sustainability goals and commitments with our platform. We eagerly await their input so we can showcase their dedication to responsible tourism and highlight their efforts in promoting positive social and environmental change.

50 Degrees North Partnerships

At this time, 50 Degrees North has not disclosed any information regarding their partnerships related to sustainability or responsible travel. We encourage the brand to share any collaborations they have undertaken with organizations committed to sustainable tourism or environmental conservation. By working with like-minded partners, they can further enhance their impact and contribute to a more sustainable travel industry.

About 50 Degrees North

  • Status
  • Unverified

Sustainable Development Goals

Although we do not have specific details on 50 Degrees North's alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we encourage the brand to inform us about their initiatives related to the SDGs. Sharing their efforts to support these global objectives will allow us to showcase their contributions to a more sustainable world.

50 Degrees North Recommends

While we recognize 50 Degrees North as a reputable brand in the field of sustainable travel, we do not have any information regarding their specific product offerings. We encourage them to provide us with details about their eco-friendly travel options, accommodations, or other sustainable tourism experiences. By sharing these details, we can better inform our audience about the brand's offerings and their commitment to sustainability.

This information references http://12degreesnorth.org and was sourced on 15/09/2023. Is this your business? Suggest an edit